Saturday, October 21, 2023


What you manifest is what you get.....

 Years ago I would always think, I'm so bored I might as well just work.  Well, for the last 6 years work has turned into my like.  I stopped blogging, creating, and doing things that I like doing. I pretty much just work.  I like my work, but when people say you work to live, not live for work it is true.   We are all repalceable at work, and I dont want my end of life regret be that all I did was work...

When I went to NYC in late September I realized how much I truly missed the city.  Walking everywhere, the subway, the local stores and restaurants.  I really didn't want to come home. I wish I could pick my home up and plop ot down somwhere in Queens or Brooklyn.  I saw the real estate prices and since I didnt win the lottery, well here I sit in Texas.

This was the elementary schoo at sunsetl behind the apartment I rented for a week.  It was really nice waking up to of the sound of kids laughing and playing.

Since the real  estate market has shifted,  I have a little more time that I carved out for myself, I refelcted back on all my sketch books.  I did create most of the artwork I wanted to create.  Some are just sketches that have yet to come to life and other series have never been completed.  At heart I am an artist.  I just dont want my art to turn into a job, I create to escape, and enjoy the time I'm on this earth.

I will think, pray and find my new way and manifest the life I want. 

Finally took the time to finish Little Mr. Grey in a cup.  5 1/2" x 5 1/2"  


  1. I can tell that school is in Astoria, near where my son lives!

    1. Astoria is such a nice area!! That's so great that your son lives there!
