Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Feeling pessimistic

Why? Good question. Maybe because most people that want to own guns have already bought them, have stashes of them, and if they "snap" will already have possesion of them to use them. I agree that most gun owners are responsible, law abiding citizens,  and I wouldn't want to infringe on their beliefs or rights, but really do you have to own a semi automatic, or the pieces that will equip it to become an automatic? Are you going to protect yourself, your family and neighbors from the war that is going to occur on our homeland? Is that why you own these weapons? Between the health care insurance crisis, and weapon crisis, I'm not sure what to think of politics, politicians, lobbyist and the crazies that live amongst us here in the United States.   This is where my pessimistic thoughts occur, there have been much bigger, more powerful govermnets that have collapsed in the history of human kind and right now the way we are going it feels train wreck about to happen. If politicians refused to do anything after Sandy Hook, why would anyone think they would do anything now? Actually I belive they passed more laws making it easier to aquire weapons, for anyone.  Oh yeah, when the politicians were targeted, wasn't that the day they were going to pass a law to make silencers legal to purchase?  


  1. i know just how you feel. What I don't know is what to do about it. Sigh.
