Monday, August 4, 2014


Sometimes in life I need a little motivation to get started.  This weekend was no different. Luckily for me, my daughter needed a new journal so we headed for the bookstore. While she was on the hunt for the perfect journal, I came across a book by Julia Cameron, "the Artist's Way Every Day". As I flipped through this daily guide book, I realized this was written for writers but could easily be applied to any type of artist. Each daily entry was a paragraph, so I figured I can handle reading with my morning coffee.  The entry for August 3rd, was about the willingness to be open as a student to learn. I love to learn new things, but I didn't expect to learn anything on a Sunday morning. I was wrong. I was going through the blogs I follow, and there was a post with a free Saturday online glass class from AAE Glass. Well, it turned out that it was free for 72 hours so I watched it and learned 3 new techniques. I was pretty excited about it!

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