Saturday, August 9, 2014

Moving on

This summer has gone by so fast, it makes my head spin knowing that we are already in August and my kids are moving out next week. We haven't had a summer vacation, only spending time together  and shopping to prepare them for their move.

So, in a couple of weeks, when reality sinks in, and I will only have to cook for two, I will be forced to move on in the next part of my life. It would have been nice if I could just pick up and leave town for a few days, but it's not that easy. I have three cats and two dogs that I will need to make arrangements for or bring with me. Hmmm. I always thought (in my fantasy), that I would be in a sporty little red, two seat convertible, with the wind blowing through my hair and not a care in the world! NOT! Oh well, at least I can dream.

On the flip side, I will be joining  the San Antonio Glass Guild this month so I can get back in touch with the glass world and see some old friends, maybe even makes some new friends too.
I have also started on a new mosaic project this weekend, and hope to have it complete very soon.

Meanwhile, the high heat hasn't discouraged the flowers from blooming in my garden.

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