Sunday, February 3, 2013

Say Si artwork & workshop update

        It's amazing how time passes so quickly. We're already in February and I feel like I should have accomplished a bit more in January.

          In regards to the Say Si auction, I designed my first plate and didn't care for it after I finished.  The second plate, as I mentioned in my previous post, had a few mishaps.  In my latest setback, after I fixed the size of it, I didn't wait until it was thoroughly dry before I started the kiln to slump it in the mold.  Glass artists know when there is any moisture in the kiln, it can trap the moisture and create bubbles. The design turned out really nice, except for the bubbles. I have until February 16th to deliver my  artwork to Say Si.  I'm going back to cutting board this week with a new design.

I'm not one to shy away from showing my disasters so here they are:

 As you can see, the bubbles rise under each flower........ (2nd plate)

The placement of the small bud on the bottom is something that just doesn't look right....... and I don't like the blue frit against the black & red. (1st plate)

Okay, so onto the update of my workshop.  Friday I picked up the paint, thinking that today I would be painting the walls and the ceiling.  Not so, tape, float and sanding are still occurring in there right now as I type.  At this moment I'm just happy that it's being worked on :)

Have a wonderful February!!!

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