I don't have any cute pictures to post or new art projects to talk about. Today I've decided to make a few changes in my world. I have closed my (stagnate) website, closed my "business" with the state and deleted my listings from my Etsy shop. I didn't create, push or pursue enough of anything to create a real business. Today, I felt that I needed to make these changes for myself so I can continue to grow in my own world and make myself happy.
Currently, my oldest son, who will be graduating college in December, plans to move out of state to "find" himself, as many of us do at his age:) My daughter, is entering her freshman year of college and just moved into her new dorm room this weekend. My youngest son is 16 and is entering his junior year of high school come Monday. For now, his plans include going to an out of state college (that will all depend on scholarships & if he gets any:)

My youngest doesn't keep me as busy as my daughter did, so I too will be starting classes this coming week. My classes are not about learning and pursuing a "new" career, but to expand my mind intellectually, and my creative side as well. I'm not sure just where all of this will lead me, but I do know it will lead me somewhere.
Time is always in motion and nothing ever stays the same. It is my time of change.........