Friday, October 14, 2022

Change is always happening

I recently created a small, fun mosaic with the intention of selling it.  While I was working out the design and actually creating the peice, I cut some of the glass into the tiniest little pieces that I have ever worked with and needed tweezers to pick them up and place them on the wood, (it was for the "grass").  The tedious work that I created for myself was the most theraputic. It really did put me in a different world listening to my music forgeting all about time, and the world outside my studio.  There are many things changing right now.

My real estate business has come to a screaching halt do to the increase of initerest rates.  People are still buying and selling homes, but the frenzy is over with. The days where people were offering 10, 20, 50 or even 100 Thousand over list price is gone. Mega multple offers, gone (which is good news for buyers). However, I am getting flooded with notifications of price reductions on listings, which means there are many more homes on the current market for sale than there are buyers. I am a Buyers agent.  The market is balancing itself out, but inflation and higher interest rates are making everyone leary and on edge, and I am one of them.

so back to my art....

I have been thinking about the art I have created over the years. I sold some artwork and have a lot in my home. I have watched friends that I met 20+ years ago that have kept with it, and have become pretty succesul artists, while at times, I feel I had quit on myself, looking for a "real" career. I kept saying I did't want my art to be my job, but if feels good when I create it. I think I need to reconsider my choices and start working a little harder in my studio. I have a couple more ideas for mosaics that I need to start working on. (yes, they all have cats in them)

The weather is changing which means I will be ready to turn my kilns on when it cools off!

Midnite Under the Moon 
