Tuesday, May 8, 2018

it's been a while

Time passes when you're busy, and when you're still.   Some people take out their frustrations at the gym, some with food, and yet others take it out in their art. 

I suppose, for myself it comes down to a family size bag of BBQ potato chips, and in my art, hardly at the gym.... if I did I would be in championship shape, which I am not.....

My latest piece of frustration is here, in the multitude of colors that don't necessarily make sense.

36" Octagon
The design and the cutting is where I took out my frustration.  The 4 hour session of grinding the glass to fit perfectly allowed me to reflect without distraction.  The next steps will be tedious, which will allow me to practice my patience.   
I am thankful for all I have, the family I love and the friends in my life.