Wednesday, February 20, 2019

I'm getting there!

My studio/library is almost finished!!!!!

My brother finally finished designing and cutting the wood for my bookshelves!  It took all day Sunday and half of Monday for my brother, husband and youngest son to put them together, and sand them. Monday afternoon I painted all three of them and by Monday evening they were dry and brought upstairs and put in their places.

 I spent this evening putting books on the shelves. In addition to the books I had in other rooms,  I had two bins of children's books that I kept in storage from when my kids were young. Tonight I was able to put them on the shelves as well.  Looking at all the books as I put each one on the shelf brought so many fond memories of reading to my kids when they were little, and as they got older each one had there favorites stories that they loved to read.

 I still need to add my reading chair and a small table to rest my book and coffee on.  I am so excited as to how it's turning out.  I'm going to make changes as I go along.  Right now I think I'm going to get new white sheer curtains and remove the blue curtain in the window between the two bookshelves.  I think that will brighten up the room even more.  This is the progress so far and I couldn't be more pleased with it.

I have a feeling that it's not going to take me very long to fill the bookshelves up completely.... 
I love books!


  1. There is something to be said about the look of a bookshelf. I suppose it means something different to everyone but, for me, it still takes me back to being 12 and realizing I could travel the world and have adventure after adventure the moment I walked into the town library. There was a feeling of expectation when I spotted my favorite section. Great color!

    1. I totally agree with you! My favorite place was the library growing up, and all the advenuters in the books!
