Sunday, November 4, 2018

Uptown art stroll

Sometimes I wonder why I do the things I do and have to step back and think about everything. Then I pray, and give it to God.

This weekend is Uptown art Stroll and my first show in a few years. Overall I had a successful day, except that as soon as I finished setting up I spilled all my coffee on myself. I looked as if I peed my pants! Thankfully the sun was out to dry me out. My jeans stained to an ugly tint of brown but, I was glad that I don't drink sugar in my coffee or else the ants may have been after me, and I don't think I could have tolorated being sticky all day.

Today the show is going on from noon till 5, but since I was in the coop I opted not to participate today. There will be two other artisits participating today in the coop booth that weren't there yesterday so I don't feel bad about it.

I have a lot going on in my life right now, none of it which is bad, just overwhelming my mind.  I created this plaque which I thought was appropirate and since this particular one did not sell yesterday I will be keeping it for myself, on my desk.

It will remind me of the impotant things to do and not dwell or sweat the small stuff. 

Here are a few pictures of my setup yesterday at the art show. The wind kept blowing over my small plaques so I had to lay them down on the table. At least none of them broke when the toppled over (several times).


  1. You are very talented Drita. And you must be the busiest woman I know.

    1. Thank you Linda! I just feel like a chicken with my head cut off sometimes.....
